The Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline has brought forward many scenarios that fans wouldn’t have thought possible, although there has also been criticism over how illogical some of these scenarios have been.

But what if you realized Arrow didn’t make too much sense to begin with? The show that started the universe known as the Arrowverse is at its conclusion, so let’s make the blow of losing such a beloved series lighter by indulging in memes that poke fun at the tropes found in it. While most of the memes are easy enough to understand, you’ll have to read a bit to understand what the joke is pointing at for some others.

That Hero Feeling

This meme pokes fun at one of the more talking points about the Green Arrow character, in that we’re meant to believe that putting on a hoodie is enough to hide his identity. The reality is that Oliver should have looked how he does in the first picture the whole time.

The argument of him putting on a mask around his eyes isn’t a good one either, since covering your eyes shouldn’t do squat in making you look different. Basically, the joke here is that Arrow only ever convinces himself that he’s hiding his identity rather than actually doing it.

Yeesh, Oliver

It got toned down considerably by the later part of the series, but Arrow’s initial seasons were really quite laughable for having almost every single female character hook up with Oliver at some point. This eventually led to him being surrounded with his former conquests.

If you look at things purely on paper, then it’s really weird how all these women had a civil relationship with him later on, since in real life terms there’s no way people would hang out with the same guy they’ve all dated.

So Much For Authenticity

Green Arrow has been matched with Marvel heroes before when debating whom he would work well with, but perhaps we should look deeper into his likeness with Fandral. There’s nothing similar about them really, except for how Fandral seems like the live-action version that Green Arrow should be like.

If you’ve seen the comic book version of the Green Arrow in animated media, then you’ll know that he looks almost exactly like Fandral does in the above picture, meaning we’ve been with a kind of impostor Green Arrow this whole time in the Arrowverse. Our question for the showrunners is, how difficult was it to make the TV Arrow look faithful to the source material?

One Resurrection Too Many

Superhero genre works aren’t meant to make a whole lot of sense in general, but even within their own internal logic there are some questionable things. In Arrow, it has to do with how indestructible the lead characters are.

Oliver and Sara are most guilty of this lack of believability, as both of them have been seen in positions where they should’ve died. The times where they were miraculously saved became far too many, and eventually one just has to accept they have some kind of death proof armor.

Come On, Oli

Although characters have been resurrected or brought back through some unrealistic scenario, it doesn’t hide the fact that most of these were the result of Oliver failing to protect them. After a while, you start to think why anyone keeps trusting him.

Funnier still is how Oliver keeps carrying feelings of guilt for his failure even though he’s done just that so many times by now. For some fans, Oliver’s guilt ended up becoming rather amusing since watching him go through the motions was rather predictable.

Felicity Trumps All

Although Felicity has to be among the topmost characters that we’ll miss once the show’s over for good, the benefit from having her be written out was that the over-reliance on her isn’t a factor anymore. 

At its peak, Felicity was the one who conjured up some kind of solution that others couldn’t, which made Oliver look kind of like lame since he was supposed to be the main character. This meme was clearly made around that time, and we have to agree that Felicity’s effectiveness was such that the Hulk would look weak compared to her.

Superhero Pose Syndrome

This is something you’ll find in every action oriented work, not even exclusively toward superhero shows and movies. However, the practice of posing around for no apparent reason has been made most popular by superheroes.

Arrow has been no exception either, and you’ll find many moments where these guys stand around looking all cool and intimidating without actually doing anything. A lot of the times they’re seen discussing their plans in broad view, which is strange considering they’re supposed to have secret identities.

So That’s His Secret

Unless the moment specifically calls for him to look all battered and bruised, Oliver’s suit never shows any signs of distress. Considering the amount of brutality he’s been through, you’d think the suit would at least be a little stained.

And yet, his suit looks so pristine in condition every time that you’d think he has some special detergent in hand just to keep it in spick and span condition. Maybe this meme isn’t a joke at all and Oliver put his money to good use and came out with this washing powder.

Was That Nobody Or Everybody?

When the show first started out, Oliver was adamant that nobody would learn of his activities as the masked vigilante. Of course, looking back at that now makes one laugh more than anything as that claim has become hilariously outdated.

You’d be naive to think nobody would find out about his secret at some point, but it eventually became so common knowledge that you’d have a harder time listing characters who didn’t know he was the Green Arrow rather than those who did. Maybe the show shouldn’t have been so liberal with his identity being revealed.

Time For An Upgrade

It was only a matter of time before the protagonist’s patented arrows didn’t do the trick anymore, but it became so frequent for his weaponry to prove faulty that it also became questionable as to why he didn’t go for an upgrade.

This meme aims to set things right by making the Green Arrow turn into the Green Bullet, and we’re all for it too if it means he gets a better hit ratio out of it. After all, being a guy who shoots arrows makes no sense against enemies with literal super powers - at least a gun has a better shot at success.