Anchorman is one of the most beloved comedies of the last few decades. Both films have been incredibly successful amongst fans and critics alike. The film’s quirky humor has, of course, inspired a lot of memes that have populated the internet over the years.

It’s certainly one of Will Ferrell’s best roles, and the film’s legacy will live on in the form of memes. The quotes from the films can be applied to so many contexts, so here are 10 of the best and most hilarious memes based on Anchorman.

I’m Not Even Mad

In the film, Ron Burgundy states that he’s not even mad, because of how impressed and amazed he is. Of course, he’s actually talking to his dog who has managed to poop in the refrigerator and eat a whole wheel of cheese, which is pretty incredible for such a small dog.

The quote has of course been turned into a meme and gets brought out every time someone admits to doing something pretty terrible but actually quite impressive. The not even made meme always has us laughing because of the bizarre circumstances it can be used in!

It Works Every Time

One of the most famous quotes from the film series comes from Paul Rudd. He has many signature products that he loves to advertise to his friends. Amongst them is a cologne and a condom which are supposed to work 60% of the time, every time.

As his friends point out, that’s impossible. Nothing can work 60% of the time every single time. However, what does have a 100% success rate is this joke. It’s peddled around the internet as a meme for all sorts of faulty products or just sometimes to represent bad logic.

Quick Escalation

The fight sequences have come to define the Anchorman films. They are usually the funniest part of each film and invites lots of big-name actors to come and make quick and hilarious cameos in these fantastic films, all representing different news teams.

The fight sequence of the first film took everyone by surprise, so, when it devolved into complete chaos, audiences found it hilarious. A grenade and a trident (which we’ll get onto later) was the least of everyone’s worries. As Ron says it best, it sure escalated quickly!

Glass of Emotion

Ron can get pretty emotional at the best of times. When his beloved dog got punted off the side of a bridge by Jack Black after a pretty intense motorbike accident, he had a complete breakdown. Luckily, his friend Brian was there to help.

Of course, Ron couldn’t explain the problem over the phone because of his deep emotions. In an effort to help, Brian asks where he even is. Ron’s response: in a glass case of emotion. Suddenly, a meme was born from this completely relateable location.

News Team Assemble

We’ve all heard of the Avengers assembling. We know about great sports teams that come together at the start of a match. But, what about the news team? How are they called to action, especially if a massive fight is about to break out, or if breaking news is going to be released.

The answer is a giant shell that beckons the news team back, assembling them to face off against whatever they must. The news team assemble meme has immediately become popular because that shell could be beckoning any random group to take formation.

Too Much Yelling

Brick isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. In fact, we don’t actually know if there’s actually been a character as dumb as the weatherman. But, this is absolutely one of Steve Carell’s best roles and most popular films.

The character is instantly lovable and surprisingly easy to relate to. When a big argument starts between the news team, Brick doesn’t know what to do. He hates conflict but feels like he should join in. The “I don’t know what we’re yelling about” meme pretty much sums up most arguments.

Trident Killer

Brick can get pretty vicious in a fight. In fact, it’s him who brought out both the grenade and the trident and what eventually led to the Ron claiming that the whole situation escalated far too quickly. Brick seems proud of his contributions, nonetheless.

Unfortunately, it seems like the weather presented took it all a bit too far. During the fight he actually impaled someone with the trident, killing them. He’s still super happy about that though, which kind of scares us all.

Kind Of A Bid Deal

Ron Burgundy is kind of a big deal. We all know that. Yet, with all the success he’s getting it’s gone a little bit to his head. He pushes away his friends and starts becoming even more egotistical than he already is. He also isn’t afraid to tell people about his fame.

This all leads to the famous quote “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m kind of a big deal.” Of course, this has been memed hundreds of time for its hilarious lack of modesty, and the internet is so impressed that Ron’s such a big deal he doesn’t even know how to say it!


This next meme isn’t really taken from the film directly. However, Brick is such a great character that it’s easy to write new jokes for him. We don’t know how Brick would function in the modern world exactly but it’s probably not too dissimilar to the rest of us.

One of our favorite Brick memes involves setting a computer password. We can absolutely see the character doing this, and, what’s more, now we all want to try it, because it seems pretty satisfying to set the password as incorrect.

Immediate Regret

We’ve all jumped straight into a situation that we immediately regret. Sometimes we don’t think it completely through and just act out on pure emotion. Unfortunately for Ron, that’s exactly what he did when he jumped into a cage with a bear.

The moment had him announce that he regretted the decision, even if it was to save a loved one. The meme has been hilarious ever since its creation and represents most of the decisions that we make in haste! You can pretty much find this one on every incorrect tweet sent out.