One of the most interesting Disney movies to come out of the 2010s was Big Hero 6. Very loosely based on the Marvel comic, the film revolves around a young genius named Hiro, who eventually makes his own team of superheroes to get back his stolen tech.

The movie takes a lot of liberties with the source material, getting a lot funnier and more relatable in the process. And the final product looks much different than some of the concept art we came across. Here are some of the most memorable images we have seen, on this subject and in general.

Mr. Yama V. Baymax

During the development of Big Hero 6, there were more villains and a bigger of scope as a result. We don’t know for sure what was happening here, but it’s probably not too crazy to assume this is Mr. Yama who Hiro engages in an illegal bot fight with at the beginning of the movie.

Baymax seems to be doing a test run with his armor and naturally needs a push from Hiro. While Baymax never ends up physically confronting any of the villains in the movie, save for a brief moment when Hiro almost lets him take out Prof. Callaghan (AKA Yokai), this match would have made for an interesting confrontation.

Baymax And Hiro Above San Fransokyo

San Fransokyo is one of the more fascinating worlds that we’ve seen in a Disney movie. A mashup of San Francisco and Tokyo, it blends together the best of both. One of the first pieces of concept art we were able to see before the film’s first trailer was this.

Baymax and Hiro are barely visible, but we get a sense of the scale of San Fransokyo and what lies above it. Getting to see Hiro and Baymax take to the skies for the first time is one of the best sequences of the film, even we didn’t get to see these blimps from DigiChan.

Baymax Defeated?

Big Hero 6’s primary antagonist is Prof. Callaghan, who steals Hiro’s tech in hopes of using it to open a portal to retrieve his long-lost daughter. But here we see he had some help from his fellow villains in taking out Baymax, which seems to be remarkably simple with a few tranquilizer darts.

It’s interesting to see Mr. Yama again here in a luchador mask along with some other villains and Prof. Callaghan. We can’t help but wonder what this team might have pulled off with Hiro’s nanobots or if there was some other plan they had altogether. Maybe someday we’ll get to see these other villains in Big Hero 7?

Big Hero 6 Taking It Easy

OK, so this one is not quite as exciting, but it is interesting to see the team in Wasabi’s car, just hanging out together. These guys spend most of their time either trying to avoid conflict with Prof. Callaghan or trying to prepare for it, so it’s refreshing to see them just being together.

One upside of the TV series has been being able to see the team build more camaraderie than they had time for in the film. These guys deserve some breaks in between all their hero work, right?

GoGo Serving As A Distraction

This is a really fascinating one. It appears to be GoGo trying to distract some monster on a bridge in San Fransokyo. What’s really interesting is this version of GoGo seems to be lacking his trademark yellow outfit, though it is hard to make out with the reflection from the flares.

The monster here also doesn’t seem to be made of nanobots, but actually seems to be some kind of physical beast. Its face seems more reminiscent of Te-Ka from Moana than what Prof. Callaghan created with the nanobots. We’re kind of bummed this didn’t make it into the movie.

Battle Scene With The Team

Here we have the 6 again, but it’s interesting to see how different they look. GoGo’s suit is a different color, Wasabi looks completely different aside from the primary weapons he wields, and we’re not entirely sure Honey Lemon is actually present.

If the nanobots played any significant part in this version of the story, it seems that the ultimate foe was not something created by them. Rather than trying to stop Prof. Callaghan, they seem to be up against an entirely different kind of being here. What we got with the time-space portal in the final version proved to be stunning, but this would have been interesting to see as well.

Different Version Of Yokai’s Suit

As is typical during the pre-production phase of an animated film, the characters usually undergo many changes in determining what their final look will be. Yokai’s costume, in particular, was one that changed a lot throughout pre-production.

It would appear that rather than having a physical kabuki mask and cloak as we see in the film, the kabuki mask and cloak were also formed by the nanobots at some point as the artist indicates it was “in the final stages”. This would have been crazy hard to animate, but boy, what a spectacle it would have been.

Baymax And Hiro On The Run

It seems the original story for Big Hero 6 had no lack of monsters for the team to fight/run away from. We can’t quite make out what it is, but we definitely wouldn’t want to tangle with it.

Baymax’s armor is really different here and bears a lot of resemblance to Tony Stark’s Hulkbuster Armor. Perhaps because Disney didn’t want too many comparisons to Iron Man to be drawn, they modified the final look of Baymax’s armor substantially from this.

Hiro Rescued

Boy, the San Fransokyo bridge couldn’t catch a break in this version of the movie. Interestingly, Hiro is almost completely without armor and Baymax is nowhere in sight.

Instead of hitching a ride with Baymax, this older man seems to be rescuing Hiro from impending doom. Did something happen to Baymax here, or was he just not there to save Hiro? And this old man does not appear to be Callaghan. Who could he have been?

San Fransokyo Institute Of Technology

When Hiro struggles to find a productive use for his big brain, his brother takes him to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology where he attends school and works alongside Prof. Callaghan and the team that will eventually come together with Hiro and makes Big Hero 6.

Most of the time that we see the Institute building is at night in the film. It’s neat to see it fully lit during the day and not burnt to the ground. Rest in peace, original San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.