The best thing about a great movie is that it becomes timeless and instantly rewatchable for years to come. No matter how old movies become if the acting is great and the plot itself is exciting then audiences will always flock to it and share it with new generations.

Many of the greatest movies ever made were done decades ago and through nostalgia, remakes, and sequels, their legacy has only grown larger as time has passed. While the quality of the camera work and special effects might not be able to battle with what films in this day and age can do, many classic movies still hold up.

Some of the greatest movies took place before the year of 1980, many of which can still stand alongside the movies of today. With that in mind, here are 10 movies that you wouldn’t believe are now more than 40-years old!

Jaws (1975)

We will kickstart the list with a classic in Jaws, which was released back in 1975. It was the movie that had a huge impact on a whole generation, making tons of people afraid to step into the sea through the fear of encountering the dreaded Great White Shark.

That just shows how realistic this movie looked, with the practical effects of the shark itself being simply sublime. Nowadays, if a movie like this was made the shark would likely just become a CGI creature that wouldn’t be as scary. However, because the shark looks so good, even though it gave the directors some major headaches, it easily still stands up today and doesn’t seem as old as it actually is.

The Aristocats (1970)

Disney has been the king of animated movies ever since its first motion picture and because of the hand-drawn animation that the majority of the classics have, the movies never feel old. While they do look different from the new CGI animation that Pixar helped usher in, they are so full of life that they feel fresh.

The Aristocats is a perfect example of that, with this film actually being 50 years old this year. You can compare this brilliant movie to some far more modern Disney films and not really know the difference in age, which is why it’s a film that many people forget is so old.

Alien (1979)

Speaking of a film with amazing effects that haven’t aged, Alien certainly falls into that category (although, for a totally different audience than the Disney classic). This science-fiction film has had its own franchise built around it and while the effects have developed since the original still doesn’t look out of place against them.

It proves just how great good practical effects can be and how well they last. If people didn’t Google it and find out the age of this movie, most people wouldn’t know that the film was over 40-years old, which proves just how great it is.

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Another movie that is over 40-years old (having been released in 1971), is A Clockwork Orange which remains one of the greatest films of all time. This is quite a violent movie and one that certainly explores some interesting themes, but it will grip an audience and have them stuck watching it throughout.

It’s incredibly intense from start to finish and it really doesn’t slow down at any point which is why it’s remained so popular. Movies that are this good become timeless and that’s certainly what has happened with this fantastic film.

Mary Poppins (1964)

Mary Poppins was actually released back in 1964, and yet it holds up incredibly well still to this day. It’s an amazing musical that has loads of energy and a really heartwarming story, which never gets old no matter how many times you watch the movie.

Of course, the main reason that many people will be shocked about how old this film actually comes during the scene where the characters leap into the painting. The fact that Disney was able to create a mix of animation and live-action this long ago is incredibly surprising and is why the film holds up so well to this day.

Grease (1978)

Speaking of musicals, still to this day one of the most popular musical movies across the world is Grease. It’s a fantastic film that is jam-packed with amazing and catchy songs that are still played out in nightclubs to this day for people to boogie along with.

Because so many people still talk about this movie and sing the songs, it really does catch many by surprise to learn just how old the film is. However, with so much energy in the film and timeless songs such as “Grease Lightning,” this is a movie that will never feel old.

Rocky (1976)

Another film that people will be shocked to learn is over 40-years old is the original Rocky movie. When it comes to sports movies there aren’t any more iconic than this one, which has remained a classic for decades. It was the movie that took Sylvester Stallone to a whole new level of fame and created an incredibly memorable character.

The fact that there were so many sequels and then a brand new spin-off with the Creed movies has helped keep this franchise fresh and has also meant that people think the original is newer than it actually is. The fact that the film still looks great is also a major factor in that, with Rocky being one movie that will always be popular.

The Exorcist (1973)

When it comes to the horror genre there are few more iconic movies than The Exorcist, which may surprise people to learn is older than 40. The main reason it’s surprising is that so many people still watch the film and talk about it, which is because of how scary it is.

The reason that the movie doesn’t feel too old is that scares don’t age. It doesn’t matter that the film doesn’t have the fancy technology that horror movies of today have, the film remains one of the scariest of all time and it will remain that way forever.

Star Wars (1977)

The original Star Wars movie helped spawn arguably the biggest franchise in the history of film. Here we are over 40-years later and movies are still being created based around this world and even these characters. Because of that, it is easy to forget just how old the franchise actually is.

While the special effects obviously look very dated in comparison to the recent movies, or even the prequels, they still hold up well to this day. However, it really is all about the story that makes this still feel new, it’s a film that you can never tire from and that’s why many are surprised it’s as old as it is.

The Godfather (1972)

Many would still argue to The Godfather being the greatest movie ever made, and that just proves how good of a film it is. This is a movie that never gets old with one of the best plots in the history of cinema being matched with some stunning acting.

This film took the Mafia/Gangster genre to a totally new level to the point that no other film has been able to get close to how good this was. The film isn’t littered with special effects and because of that it still holds up very well and certainly doesn’t feel over 40-years old.