Let’s be honest, the world is a very intense place and cinema often reflects that. There are simply so many films that deal with dramatic, often graphic, and deeply saddening content. And while those artistic and moving films can be wonderful, in small doses, sometimes film fans just want a little piece of happy escapism. Something that reminds them of the good in the world around them and that will lift their spirits on a dark or grey day.

Today we will be looking at some of the most wholesome, fun, and uplifting films from the past decade. These films avoid getting too dark, serious, or bleak and, instead, focus on all of the wonderful things that make being alive such a magical experience that we are lucky to share.

La La Land (2016)

Starting off with a bright and sunny musical number, La La Land is a life-affirming film that shows audiences how their dreams might not be as far away as they might feel on their worst days. Every rejection might bring them closer to that one yes that changes everything.

And though things don’t always work out exactly how we planned that they would, that does not mean that our circumstances are any less wonderful. This film is a colourful, uplifting, and dreamy musical that will remind viewers of the power of a dream.

Inside Out (2015)

Sometimes the most uplifting message is one that accepts that things are not always going to be sunshine and rainbows, and that that’s okay. Life is filled with ups and downs and there is no way to keep oneself from ever feeling any negative emotion. But negative emotions do not have to be a bad thing.

There can be a beauty in sadness. It can remind us of the things we love about ourselves, our lives, and the people around us. How we lift each other up, how we lean on each other when we can’t stand up on our own, and how much brighter the joy filled days feel when compared to the darker ones.

Scott Pilgrim (2010)

There is something truly wholesome about someone fighting out of a newfound self-respect, instead of in the attempt to win someone’s affections. While trying to win over Ramona, Scott slowly realizes that he was not being a good friend nor partner to those around him and that he needed to learn how to act his age and treat those around him (and himself) with more respect.

He apologizes to those he snubbed, comes clean about his mistakes, and owns up to everything that he has done throughout the course of the film. We have endless support for people who realize the error of their ways and work hard to rectify the situations and the relationships affected by such things.

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood (2019)

Mr. Rogers is someone who was a constant figure in most of our childhoods. He taught us how to respect each other, how to love ourselves, and why it’s so important to be a good person. Tom Hanks is known as being one of the most wholesome actors in Hollywood. Combine the two and something magical is sure to come from it.

The film is a wonderful movie to watch when one needs to be reminded of the good people and things in the world. With the constant negativity online and on the news, it can be easy to be weighed down by the bad things in the world. But this lovely film reminded viewers that it is not all bad. That there is true beauty in this world and that it is worth protecting.

Booksmart (2019)

The best thing about the instant classic that is Booksmart is the way that the films two lead characters talk to each other. They constantly compliment each other in the most hyperbolic yet loving way and it is truly a wholesome moment every time it pops up in the dialogue.

There is just something so wonderful about two girls who support and love each other, no matter what. No digs, no drama, no attempts to undermine each other, no backhanded compliments. These girls know who they are and they know that they don’t need to tear each other down. The love and support that radiates from their friendship is truly heartwarming.

Incredibles 2 (2018)

Something that is truly wholesome about this beloved sequel is the way that Bob supports his wife, even if he is a bit jealous. He wants his time in the sun and would love to fight crime alongside his beautiful, talented, and amazing wife. But someone needs to be at home with the kids and he takes on that role. Though he is envious of her, he does not complain because he knows how much this means to her.

Someone being able to put aside their own ego in order to help and support someone that means the world to them is the pinnacle of heartwarming wholesomeness.

Paddington (2014)

Watching a childhood classic come to the big screen is a wonderful moment for most, but what makes this adaptation even better is the fact that it is genuinely a good movie. Well written, well-acted, and deeply moving, this movie is guaranteed to stand the test of time.

Watching Paddington go on his adventures, do his absolute best, and try to rectify any mistakes he makes along the way is truly endearing. It reminds viewers that mistakes are okay to make and that people will still love you regardless of how many plumbing mishaps you cause.

Winnie The Pooh (2011)

Winnie The Pooh was another childhood classic that audiences around the world were delighted to see receive another film adaptation. The best thing about this film is the fact that it is exactly what one would expect it to be. It does not try to modernize or dramatize any aspect of the series. It is simply that silly old bear that we all know and love.

Audiences laugh in delight as their favourite characters get up to nonsensical and familiar antics. This film is the cinematic version of visiting home for Christmas and enjoying all of your favourite traditions with your loved ones.

Eighth Grade (2018)

The best thing about Eighth Grade is the fact that the lead character simply wants to do and be her best. She just wants to share what she knows with those around her and hopes that her advice will help them, even if she seldom follows it herself.

There is something so truly pure about a young girl trying to fit in with her peers. The film is truly relatable and audiences can’t help but not only root for the main character but also see shades of their younger selves within her.

The Lego Movie (2014)

The Lego Movie was an unexpected hit. Truly hilarious, well written, and entertaining for kid and adults alike, this film had something for everyone that watched it. Nostalgic and fun, this film was an instant classic and gets better with every rewatch.

But its wholesome nature is contained within the message of the film. The beauty of this film is that it tells viewers, of all ages, that the best thing that they can be is themselves. That no one is “the special” and that we all have something to bring to the table. That we are all equal and need to work together for the greater good.