The Mandalorian has been a viral hit ever since it premiered on Disney+ in November 2019, but it’s truly taken on a second life online due to the popularity of the adorable Baby Yoda. In particular, Baby Yoda has become quite the meme sensation, with various accounts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook devoted entirely to making all forms of Baby Yoda memes.

Given the things that are usually featured in popular memes, it was only a matter of time before Baby Yoda became the face of food-themed memes, too. It doesn’t hurt that Baby Yoda has some peculiar and adorable eating habits, too. Here, we recap some of the most adorable and relatable memes involving Baby Yoda and his food choices.

How rude

This might be one of the most relatable feelings on this entire list. There are few things more irritating when it comes to going to restaurants than when you realize someone  who arrived after you gets served their meal first. Sure, it’s possible that their order took less time to prepare, or maybe there were fewer people in their party than in yours.

But that doesn’t make it any less annoying, and Baby Yoda’s perfectly unamused and grumpy little face basically sums it all up better than we ever could.

More money, more snackies

This might be one of the most millennial relatable experiences on this list. It’s so hard to avoid the temptation of buying food, even when you already have food at home. Fast food, takeout, and delivery services have made it easier than ever to waste your money on food you don’t actually need.

And apparently, that even applies to poor little Baby Yoda, who looks quite down as he wonders about all the money he’s wasted on his favorite snacky snacks. He really looks like he’s questioning his life choices in this meme. And that’s about just as millennial as it gets.

Don’t judge me

Sometimes, you just want a snack in the middle of the night. Midnight snacks are old news. But when you get those hungry feelings during the early morning hours, it’s usually never for anything healthy, like a nice piece of fruit or some healthier breakfast foods. It’s always for something trashy. Just like eating shredded cheese straight from the bag, standing in front of the refrigerator.

You know this feeling is entirely relatable, and the expression on Baby Yoda’s face is exactly the one we make when we’re caught in the mid-snack act, too.

Expectation vs. reality

Sometimes, no matter how hungry you are at the moment, nothing you have available sounds or looks good enough to fill your stomach with. No matter how many times you open the cabinets, the freezer, or the refrigerator, the foods will never look more appealing, nor will there ever be any new foods you didn’t notice before.

And yet, we all absolutely do this again and again anyways, and even Baby Yoda does, too. Baby Yoda has become quite the connoisseur of snacking in the world of internet memes, so his high snacking standards make this phenomenon all the more relatable for him.

That awkward moment when your mouth is full

We’ve already talked about some annoying restaurant experiences, but this one may be the most universal restaurant experience of them all. Just picture it. You’re sitting at the table, chowing down on your pasta or pizza or steak and potatoes, and then the waiter arrives, cheery and bright-eyed, to ask how your food is.

And there you are, with your mouth stuffed full and food all over your face, unable to respond in any meaningful way. We get it: they want to make sure you’re satisfied and enjoying your time there. But poor little Baby Yoda with his frog hanging out of his mouth perfectly describes the way we feel every time this happens.

Bring on the chickie nuggies

Sometimes, the anticipation and excitement is almost overwhelming when you sit down to eat your favorite food. In this meme from Twitter user @BadyYoba (the remade account of Twitter phenomenon @BabyYodaBaby, whose previous account was suspended), Baby Yoda really looks like an excited little baby waiting in his highchair for his chickie nuggies.

And honestly, though we may not be 50-year-old alien babies, we can relate to this feeling all too well. It’s hard not to give into your excited baby feelings when you’re waiting for your favorite food to arrive.

The staring contest we always win

We’ve talked about the relationship between diners and waiters in a previous meme, but this one is all too real, too. When you’re dining out at an Italian restaurant, it’s inevitable that you’ll be offered freshly grated Parmesan cheese to pair with your dish, no matter what it is.

And while the cheese is always a delicious addition to every meal, there’s no way to deny that it leads to quite a bit of awkwardness as you watch the waiter slowly, methodically grate the cheese, and you just sit there, staring and waiting and waiting. Baby Yoda’s expectant face says it all.

To snack or not to snack

Real talk: eating healthy is hard, and it’s a serious commitment when it’s not something you’re used to doing. Nowadays especially, as we’ve already said, it’s easier than ever to eat cheap and fast, and not exactly healthy and fresh. Which is what makes this super cute meme a particularly strong callout.

It’s easy to vow you’re going to eat healthier than you usually do. New Year’s resolutions basically exist for that reason. But it’s incredibly hard to follow through, when you live in a world filled with snacks like these delicious chocolate chip cookies Baby Yoda finds himself tempted with.

It’s too early for this

Baby Yoda drinking his soup has become quite the viral sensation, given its adorableness and the ways in which it’s been used for shady and judgmental meme purposes. But this particular meme is all too real for basically anyone forced to be an adult on a daily basis.

It’s a rule of thumb for many people: don’t bother trying to talk to them until they’ve had their first cup of coffee of the day. And if Baby Yoda’s scrunched up little face is anything to go by in this meme, he’s definitely someone who subscribes to that feeling, too.

Bonus snack level unlocked

We can’t explain it, but there’s always something much more satisfying about the taste of the french fries you find at the bottom of the bag, especially when they come from McDonald’s. It always seems like a little bonus treat, a surprise snack you had no idea was coming, and Baby Yoda’s eager expression perfectly encapsulates that.

As he leans over to peer into the bag, Baby Yoda truly embodies all of us whenever we not so gracefully scavenger around the greasy paper bag for the last few fries. They’re always worth it.