When it comes to action heroes, most people instantly think of James Bond. The British spy is the classic action hero that everyone knows and loves, with countless amazing novels and films all about him and the secret agent world he lives in.

Bond sums up everything you look for in an action star. He’s charming and funny, always being a hit with the opposite sex and has no problems making allies. However, at the same time he can work as a lone ranger, is more than comfortable kicking ass. Whether it’s high-speed car chases, close combat or using guns and gadgets, Bond does it all. However, he isn’t the only huge action character in the movie industry, and within this list, we will look at 10 other characters on Bond’s level.

Brian Mills

We kickstart this list with Brian Mills, who is the main character from the Taken franchise and is one of the best action characters of the modern era. While the original is still the best, the sheer popularity of the movie spawned another two to be made.

He might be older than the traditional James Bond character, but that only adds to his appeal. With a deep background in the spy world, the former special operative is forced out of retirement when his daughter is kidnapped. Still being able to kick as much ass as he did during his prime, Mills hunts down his enemies with a ferocious intensity. Making far fewer mistakes than Bond tends to make, he instantly became a very popular action character.


Action heroes don’t always have to be sleek and stylish in what they do, and Max is certainly anything but that. The Mad Max movies are totally different from that of James Bond, as they are always solely focused on heavy amounts of action.

Unlike Bond, Max isn’t one to chat, instead using his fists and his shooting do the talking for him. Explosions and insane car chases can always be guaranteed with him though, which puts him up to that Bond level. While he is very different from the British spy, he is just as effective and certainly lives for the action. Max is certainly not someone you would want to get on the wrong side of.

Garry ‘Eggsy’ Unwin

One of the newest action heroes to be created is Eggsy, who comes from the amazing Kingsman movies. Created specifically to be like James Bond, taking all of his traits and putting it into one character, Eggsy is a fantastic action hero.

Always looking posh, Eggsy brings great energy to the movie and because of his youth it provides a different dynamic to other action characters on this list. Having the chav background to play-off, his character is totally changed when he learns of the Kingsman group. With these movies being especially violent, the characters within it are always going to connect well with action fans.


It isn’t often that comic book movies will create a flat out action star, but in Hit-Girl they certainly did just that. It was a totally unexpected character that nobody thought would be as good as she was, with the then 13-year-old Chloe Grace Moretz putting in a stellar performance. Kick-Ass is an amazing movie that might be classed as a superhero film, but in reality, is just a superb action film. Sure, the characters dress up with capes and masks, but it is all about incredible combat and Hit-Girl might be the youngest, but she is the most dominant character of the films.

She is obviously very different from James Bond in many ways, but that doesn’t mean the character didn’t reach those levels. She might be foul-mouthed and very violent, but she is an amazing action hero.


Perhaps one of the most underrated action heroes of all time is Léon from the movie, Léon: The Professional. He is a terrific action character but not someone that everyone is aware of, despite his introduction movie being absolutely superb.

He uses incredibly tactics and always thinks everything through. Despite the fact that he is stone-cold, he does have the heart to begin training an apprentice as well, which makes the character even more impressive. He might not be the smooth talker that James Bond is, but he is still a fantastic action character.

Han Solo

Sure, he’s from a science-fiction franchise, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t be an action hero at the same time. Played expertly by Harrison Ford, Han Solo is up there with James Bond as one of the most iconic movie characters of all time.

While he doesn’t drive fancy cars, he flies the greatest spaceship in the galaxy with the Millenium Falcon. He is a smooth talker with the ladies and loves to backchat anyone who is opposing him. Confident he can talk his way out of a situation, but equally able to back it up by fighting or shooting, Solo is a perfect action hero. There is a reason he is one of the most popular Star Wars characters, yet isn’t a Jedi, and it’s because of his action hero status. His spin-off movie really helped enhance just how much of an action hero he is as well, taking the focus away from the force and onto action in the galaxy.

The Bride

The Bride has a very different action style to James Bond, utilizing hand to hand combat and a sword more so than guns, but that doesn’t mean she is poor. The Kill Bill movies are amongst some of the greatest action movies of all time, and The Bride is a key part of that.

Uma Thurman puts in the performance of a lifetime in these films with the kung fu action being something that many major films don’t often bring in. With an incredible storyline being interwoven between the two films as well, Quentin Tarantino simply created a perfect action character that stands up with the very best.

John Wick

As a hitman who absolutely loves his dog, there is very little to not like about John Wick. He is exactly what he says on the tin and that is an amazing action character. Expertly played by Keanu Reeves, Wick has quickly become one of the most popular characters of this decade.

With some of the most realistic fight scenes that have ever been filmed, Wick’s movies feel like real-life, rather than something incredibly far fetched. Being an expert in martial arts and weapon combat, he is very hands-on with his action and that makes him incredibly exciting.

Jason Bourne

A lot of people compare Jason Bourne to James Bond, with man believing he is the ‘American version’ of the popular spy. Jason Bourne has become just as popular as any other character on this list and is beloved by fans around the world.

Being able to mix it up with superb action from either close combat or with different weapons, Jason is a terrific character. He was built up over a series of amazing movies that are up there amongst the very best action films of all time, and that is why he is such a legendary character.

Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt is exactly like James Bond in so many ways, with Tom Cruise being one of the greatest action actors in the history of cinema. The Mission Impossible franchise is one that is incredibly well-known and loved and it is all down to Ethan’s character.

Hunt is very confident in his abilities and enjoys using the latest gadgets at his disposal. However, Ethan tends to be involved in far more elaborate stunts than James, although that is mainly down to Cruise himself as an actor. However, those crazy stunts like hanging onto a plane as it takes off are what makes Ethan one of the greatest action characters of all time. With several fantastic movies that really have a detailed plotline, Ethan has become a staple of the action genre.